OUR HISTORY: RFC (RiverFront Commons Online of the Mid-South)originated in the best-selling novels by Dylan S Le Maire (AKA Dustybear). It grew from one small RoadHouse on the shores of the Mississippi River in SE Missouri known as the Bootheel (about an hour NW of Memphis) to a mammoth complex: 3 huge malls, a sports complex, a medical center, perimeter stores, and even a lake and marina on the property. There was also a sequestered residential area where the primary characters in the novels lived. It was (and is) really something and the hope Dylan had was that people who were familiar with RFC in fictional form would enjoy actually shopping in a virtual reality version online. It worked. But 2016 marks a new beginning and now RFC becomes one huge shopping center with hundreds of retailers and millions of products. This should make navigation much easier for the shoppers. From a toothbrush to home furnishings to plumbing and DIY to apparel and on and on and on. If it's not here it doesn't exist. SO, please come on in and join in the thousands already shopping RFC/Le Maire's. It has just gotten easier to do so, and oh...BTW, this is new and will take some time to complete. If you can't find something or if you want something to be added, please leave a comment. We will do our best to help. LE MAIRE'S IS THE ONE PLACE FOR ALL THINGS SHOPPING/ENTERTAINMENT ALL YOUR FAVORITE RETAILERS (BY THE THOUSANDS) & PRODUCTS (BY THE MILLIONS). ALL retail stores, merchants, brands, and product links are accessible via the SITE DIRECTORY KIOSK This IS a work in progress...your patience is GREATLY appreciated. PLEASE ENJOY YOUR STAY AND COME BACK OFTEN AS STORES AND FEATURES ARE BEING ADDED CONSTANTLY. appreciated. PLEASE ENJOY YOUR STAY AND COME BACK OFTEN AS STORES AND FEATURES ARE BEING ADDED CONSTANTLY.

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